Guidebook focused on Successes and Challenges in STEM faculty DEI efforts "Campuses across the country are engaged in critical conversations about limited progress made in boosting faculty diversity, most notably in the STEM fields. While many institutions have good intentions and have articulated a commitment to improving the representation of faculty from underrepresented and underserved communities in STEM departments and campus-wide, commitments to diversity and the implementation of programming have not translated to meaningful demographic changes in the STEM professoriate nationally.The NSF-funded Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ (APLU) INCLUDES project aims to these issues directly. The INCLUDES grant is focused on expanding the diversity and presence of underrepresented populations in the STEM professoriate.This Guidebook is an outgrowth of the work under APLU’s INCLUDES grant, which among other achievements, led to the development of the Institutional Model for Increasing Faculty Diversity (referred to throughout this document as “the Model”). The Model offers a framework to promote a broader understanding of what is required for effectively hiring, retaining, and promoting the success of underrepresented STEM faculty." -Report Introduction #DEI#diversityandinclusion#faculty#STEMEducation