
Do's & Don'ts of Wedding Attire

By Jonathan Soto posted 05-28-2019 03:48 PM


Finding the right outfit for a wedding can be extremely challenging. You want to look amazing but don’t want to outshine the bride. After all, it’s her special day and she should be the star of the show. In order to ensure you look the best you can, it’s recommended you follow these rules.

Don’t Wear White

Although almost everyone knows you shouldn’t wear white to a wedding, it may slip you mind when you find an amazing dress at a clothing store. This is why you should have a few colors in mind before you go shopping. It’s an excellent idea to dress according to the season. For instance, in case it’s spring you should consider yellow, purple, and light shades of pink. On the other hand, orange, black, and deep shades of purple are ideal for weddings held during autumn.

If it’s a summer date, you should go with bright colors. During winter, it’s best for the color of your outfit to be either black or like emerald, deep purple or ruby gem tones. Keep in mind that even if the bride says she doesn’t mind you wearing white, other guests will probably give you disapproving looks during the wedding if you choose to do this. It’s only okay to wear white if you’re a bridesmaid and that’s the theme.

Do Show Off

Even though you shouldn’t be taking eyes off the bride with your outfit, this is a perfect time to show off. If you have some stylish clothing or accessories you don’t wear often, now is your chance. Weddings are also a great reason to buy something you normally wouldn’t consider purchasing. For example, you can get a fashionable fascinator hat.

Keep in mind that you won’t have to break the bank in order to look good. It’s a good idea to search for items online and compare prices across different websites to get the best deal. If you’re on a budget you’ll be glad to hear that you can even find affordable wedding shoes on certain websites. When it comes to weddings, an important rule is that it’s better to be overdressed instead of being underdressed. If you’re overdressed you’ll be more comfortable and people will pay more attention to you, which means it will be easier for you to make new friends and have a good time.

Don’t Show Too Much Skin

It’s recommended you stay on the conservative side when you’re going to a wedding. Although many of your best friends might be attending the ceremony and you plan on having a great time, don’t treat it like it’s just another party. This means that you shouldn’t wear short dresses. It’s also a good idea to avoid showing cleavage.

Do Find Out What the Bridesmaids Are Going to Wear

Before you make a purchase, it’s a good idea to show the photo of the dress you want to buy to the bride. Sometimes, guests choose the same dresses as bridesmaids, which can cause a lot of confusion at a wedding. In case you’re not that close to the bride, you should get in contact with one of the bridesmaids through mutual friends or on social media to check if you should get the dress you want.

Don’t Ignore the Invitation

In some cases, you will notice the invitation containing information about appropriate attire for the wedding. If the invitation you received mentions anything about attire, you shouldn’t ignore it. Make sure you respect both the bride and the groom by following their guidelines.

Do Consider the Weather

Check the weather report before you get dresses. If they’re predicting rain, or if it’s just cold outside, you’ll need to bring a warm coat to ensure you don’t get sick on the way in or home.

