
Make Yourself a Better Project Manager

By Jonathan Soto posted 07-01-2019 05:25 PM


Being a project manager is not easy, since each assignment will come with a new set of challenges. In order to be good at your job, you will need to know how to overcome every challenge you’re faced with. Here are some tips that will help you prepare for your next assignment and make you become a better project manager.

Encourage Communication among Team Members

Proper communication among team members is essential if you want to complete your project successfully and on time. Everyone on the team should know what each member is working on at any given time. Encourage each team member to inform everyone when they’ve completed a certain task and moved on to the next one.

Of course, in order for your team to communicate properly, you will have to know exactly which employees to recruit. Keep in mind that assembling a good team is not an easy thing. Aside from having to know exactly what the capabilities of each person are, you’ll also have to find out which employees would work effectively together.

Improve Your Knowledge

Improving your knowledge of project management is essential if you want to become better at your job. Aside from reading interesting blogs and articles related to your profession to stay up to date on everything, it’s also recommended that you enroll in a course. For instance, you should start taking a Project Management Professional (PMP) training course. It’s worth noting that earning a PMP certification is an excellent way not only to boost your knowledge but start receiving better job opportunities as well. On top of that, project managers with this certification have a higher salary than those who don’t.

Learn How to Delegate Properly

There is a lot more to delegation than simply assigning a specific task to a certain employee. In order to ensure you finish your projects on time, you will need to learn how to delegate properly. To do this, you will first have to determine what the strengths of each of your employees are. For instance, if you have a task that consists of heavy statistical analysis, you should give it to someone who is good with numbers. Apart from choosing the right person for the task, it’s also important you give them the tools they need to do it. On top of that, make sure you help them whenever they need assistance.


Although a client may have presented you with a specific project and deadline in the beginning, it doesn’t mean either of these things will stay the same. Sometimes, he or she may ask you to move up a deadline. This is why you should know how to adapt. Don’t tell your clients you’ll be unable to do what they ask of you just because it may seem hard. Instead, give them a positive response but let them know what you’ll need to get it done. For example, if you need more money or manpower to do it, inform them right away.

Track Your Project’s Progress Regularly

Every successful project manager tracks the progress of their projects regularly. It’s very important you get in the habit of doing this since it will allow you to determine whether you’ll be able to finish the project on time. In order to efficiently track your project’s progress, encourage each of your team members to inform you whenever they complete a task. It’s also a good idea to hold a team meeting once a week to see each member’s individual progress and decide whether you need to make some changes to finish the project on time.

Be Fearless

If you want to become a better project manager, you will need to be fearless. No matter the challenges you face, make sure you tackle them head-on. Keep in mind that if your team members see you’re worried or scared, they’ll instantly lose motivation. However, if you are fearless, it will help keep them inspired and motivated.

