
Teaching Kids from Home When Schools Are Closed Indefinitely

By Jonathan Soto posted 08-16-2020 04:55 PM


Your child’s education doesn’t need to stop just because schools are closed indefinitely. In contrast, now it is even more important to ensure that home teaching becomes part of daily life because no one can be certain when schools will reopen. 

Make the most of this time to keep teaching current rather than relying on the uncertainty that schools will commence in a month or two. If you take the attitude that the lockdown is indefinite, you can reap immense rewards by maintaining a good level of homeschooling.

Regular contact with teachers

Stay in regular contact with your child’s teacher. Teachers have been forced to innovate during the COVID-19 lockdown period, and have made progress with homeschooling techniques. Although this is a work in progress, take advantage of their experience by obtaining daily and weekly lessons to keep your child on track. 

Lessons may be intermittent, and home teaching is new to everyone, but there are certain lessons that can be maintained at this time. The only way to stay current is to maintain regular communications to participate in online teaching.

Plan a routine

Creating a routine will help develop discipline and strict time management in the home. A routine will create structure in the home, allowing everyone to set time aside for responsibilities and relaxation. Structure is critical for children to learn responsibility and discipline as they maintain their learning. It will also be easier to reach goals when everyone understands what is expected of them.

Additionally, ensure that the environment is conducive to learning by checking that the air conditioning unit is functioning properly. Breathing clean, fresh air is essential for growing minds, particularly when stuck inside the home. 

Call on 5 Star Repair Services Inc for AC repair Houston for an appointment to check that the air conditioning unit is functioning optimally. An expert technician will quickly be able to tell if filters need cleaning or other repair work is needed to maintain a healthy indoor environment.

Start slowly

Education is not a race, especially when you are all adapting to new circumstances. Everyone is on a learning curve here, so start homeschooling slowly. Set your routine but be prepared to adapt to changing needs as you move forward.  

Familiarize yourself with learning material before trying to teach your child. Make time to go through the work together, and take turns as parents to engage in teaching and learning. Turn lessons into games that parents and children can enjoy. 

The time goes much faster when learning is fun, and you take frequent breaks to do family things together.

Mix things up

Use the teacher’s guidance to follow important lesson plans, but also mix things up to make learning more interesting. Use different mediums such as online teaching videos for learning. Add board games and painting to the mix. 

Mental activity is excellent to maintain homeschooling; just remember that physical activity is just as vital for overall health. Here, you can rely on YouTube for exercise/dance videos, or get the family involved in physical activity. Interact with classmates and teachers online regularly to maintain contact and a semblance of socialization.

Teach new skills

Teach your children how to plant vegetables and nurture these. Planting vegetables is an excellent skill to bestow on children of any age group. It is also exciting to watch the plants grow daily until they’re ready for cooking. Learning how to cook and bake is an exciting skill for children. They become so involved in the process of cooking and baking, that time flies by. 

Learning new skills is necessary to expand young minds, which teaches greater focus and physical coordination. Spending time in the kitchen is also an opportunity to enrich family time

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